What is a BFL?
It’s a second level school Youth With A Mission (YWAM) offers, that lasts 3 months, in which we intend for you to discover the great story of the Bible and the story of the Kingdom of God. During the school you will learn how to read and study the Bible in an effective way through the inductive method.
This school will allow you to obtain an initial training to share the Word of God through preaching or through the study of the Bible in small groups settings.
Together and individually we will explore different ways and styles in which the Bible is written, focused on studying at least one of its books in depth from each of the biblical genres.
Our wish at the end of this training is for you to be able to navigate the Word of God with joy, passion and effectively throughout your whole life, either in churches or in missions.
Course Format
Bible for Life is a full time and residential school. We want our students to be able to immerse themselves in the Word of God and in all the study plan, entirely within the everyday learning environment of YWAM Strasbourg.
English and French.
The successful completion of a YWAM Discipleship and Training School (DTS).
18 de Septiembre a 17 de Diciembre 2024
Registration: 100 Euros
Cost for the quarter: 2700 Euros
Some of themes we study in the school
- Story of the King
- Torah
- Historical Book
- Psalm
- Book of Wisdom
- The Gospels
- The Letters
- Small groups teaching trainings
- Among others.....